вторник, 29 июля 2014 г.

download Vivid CM11 AOKP Theme for free

Vivid CM11 AOKP Theme


Download .apk


Apply the system theme and reboot. Now select my theme & apply.

You may get an error: 'Sorry, this theme is missing assets for your device's screen size'.

Ignore that and apply it anyway and REBOOT.


ROOT and a custom ROM like CyanogenMOD needed.

For HDPI,XHDPI and XXHDPI phones only.

This a colorful theme with gradient tones.

This theme has xxhdpi(1080p) assets and will look sharp on newer 1080p resolution phones such as Galaxy S4, HTC One, LG G2 and Nexus 5 etc.

The battery icon cannot be themed in Kitkat 4.4.

Use XPosedMOD along with GravityBOX to disable the icon altogether.

XPosedMOD: http://ift.tt/Uwerwd

GravityBOX: http://ift.tt/1fzRz7M

I have themed this battery app: http://ift.tt/1c63X99

It will place a themed battery icon on your statusbar as seen in the screenshots.

Requests/morphs: http://goo.gl/1yVr9

Sonny Sekhon (sonnysekhon on xda)

Download .apk

So we know what Favreau already know the story that attempts telling Favreau, Today going to tell it, but what the director holds made again thrown into the marketing machine for now download Vivid CM11 AOKP Theme 5.1 apk free .

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