Book GO launcher theme
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★★★ Introducing one of the most popular themes, the book theme Go-Launcher version ★★★
★★★★ Jelly bean user NOTICE ★★★★
Jelly beans does not seem to list all
paid a GOlauncher theme.
Is not the cause in this theme Golauncher.
If this occurs, please send email to me.
I'm going to explain how to solve.
- 480*800, 1280*720. 1280*800 Resolutions.
- With 6 unique bookstore backgrounds
- 480 high-resolution book icons (and coming updates)
- Go launcher 3.17 ver optimization.(OCT.12 VER)
you can download
- clock widjet (developer's other app-Free)
This theme requires some settings.
You should see the introduction video.
Go theme beginners, please refrain from the purchase.
★★★ How to use ★★★
1. apply a theme : menu/themes/click installed/choice theme/press apply button.
2. icon size : menu/preferences/visual settings/icons/icon size. (wvga-120, hd&wxga-180)
3. main icon arrangement : menu/preferences/application settings/grid size 5*4
4. hide dock : menu/preferences/appearances settings/unchecked show dock.
5. app drwer arrangement : in app drawer.. menu/preferences/application settings/app drawer/grid size.
(480*800 wvga-3*4)
6. wallpaper : menu/preferences/visual settings/choice one. (app drawer, dock bar same)
7. add app drawer short cut : menu/add/go short cut/choice app drawer/long press that/choice the first icon.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to e-mail me. All inquiries will be answered as quickly as possible.
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