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Solunar is software for Android phones which computes astronomical times as well as physical and ephemeris data for the sun and the moon in realtime or for a selected date at midnight. Rise, set and transit times are believed to be ±1 minute accurate for moderate latitudes.
Solunar is accompanied by large 2x3 and 4x2 home screen widgets which offer rise and set times plus ephemeris for the sun and the moon at a glance. The widgets are also capable of increments and decrements in 1-day-intervals.
Since its major update to version 3.00, Solunar adds a planisphere, planet ephemerides, Galilean satellites and a new moon calendar design that includes the major phases for 6 months.
Solunar is basically designed or phones. It will run on tablets as well, but in portrait mode only appearing like an oversized phone screen. A special version for tablets in landscape mode is available in Google Play as "SoLunAero".
The application is hoped to be useful for amateur astronomers and hobbiest, such as stargazers, fishermen, gardeners, plant growers, historians, hikers, photographers, sailors, campers, golfers, nature lovers and vampires.
Essential Features
* Sunrise, set, transit times
* Twilight times
* 30 days sun rise/set calender
* Sun ephemerides
* Annual seasons, day of Easter
* Moon calendar
* Moonrise, set, transit times
* Calendar of major moon phases
* 30 days moon rise/set calender
* Day/night terminator map
* Earth and Moon 3D spheres
* GPS support or manual input
* Download of sun images
* Planisphere
* Solar system planets ephemerides
* Galilean satellites
* Analemma and EOT plots
* Help in Menu/Settings
* Two widget versions
Keywords: astronomy, sun, moon, earth, moon calendar, moon phase, twilight, ephemerides, Galilean moons, planisphere.
This application is believed to be reliable and accurate, however, errors inherent to the human factor or operating system implementation cannot be ruled out entirely.
1. Galaxy Precident Model SCH-M828C and similarly low-res screens are not supported.
2. Please make most efficient use of Googles narrow refund window.
3. Please be so kind as to send a report by emailpreferably with screen snaps should you encounter any layout issues.
4. This application requires Android 2.2 or higher and a display which is to the Android standard.
5. This application operates in portrait mode only.
6. Please contact the author, if you have any pre-sales questions.
Download .apk
The film packs quite a punch in its 86 minute running time. When it concludes, the audience without much indication of what we can do now informed, leaving this widespread this widespread shock treatment. This is a subject I in the the documentation I 'm noticing seen in recent days Solunar apk free download . Lack of safety on how to move forward, which is significant for our present and future times of uncertainty Ironically, what the film shows how the most despicable within the film itself is used. This document is shocking and tended some of the same patterns , it exhorts in the film. Overall, it is a fascinating documentary, which will hopefully find avid eyes and an open mind.
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