вторник, 29 июля 2014 г.

download Amsterdam The Map GPS free android app

Amsterdam The Map GPS

Travel & Local

Download .apk

100% offline tourist map. GPS locator shows where you are. Includes over $ 25/€ 20 in discount vouchers for bike rental/canal cruise & more. Information on museums/attractions like openings hours. To prepare your trip, you can add locations to your favorites list. No roaming costs.

GPS locator shows –without going online- where you are and how far & where your chosen attraction is on detailed offline tourist map. Find your hotel/bike back by placing pin. App shows closest cash machine or free Wi-Fi locations and contains information over 100 places of interest, clearly categorized. Attractive map of Amsterdam with landmarks appearing as 3D drawings, information pops up as you touch the screen, with fast zooming function. Shopping and nightlife areas are clearly marked.

No roaming costs

You don’t need any network connection once the application is installed on your phone. This means that you avoid high roaming costs, you can stay offline and the GPS Locator still shows you where you are and where to find the place of interest of your choice. Make sure your GPS function is active.

Personal Locations

From the moment you arrive in Amsterdam the GPS Locator shows your position on the map. Once in your hotel, you can drop the hotel pin with the Personal Location function marking the hotel for the rest of your stay. You can also drop a pin to show where you parked your rented bike, or marking the location of that nice restaurant so you can find it back. To prepare your trip, you can add locations you want to visit to your favorites list for easy reference.

Discount Vouchers with a value of over $ 25 / € 20

The app contains discount vouchers for 2,50 on bike rental, 2,50 on a canal cruise, 2,50 on the entrance fee for Diamant Museum etc so the app pays itself back.

Places of Interest

Amsterdam The Map contains over 100 places of interest, clearly categorized with a description, opening hours and website address. Pick one, and it will be highlighted on the map; the direction, the distance how far it is away from you and the address will be indicated.

Want to know what attractions there are in de neighborhood or where the closest park of market is? It’s all included in this concise mobile city guide.


On request of users we have added a limited choice of fine restaurants, a small sample of traditional “brown pubs”, a selection of coffee shops and clubs.

General Information

Do you need a taxi, or to withdraw money? At the touch of a button you will be shown the nearest taxi rank or cash machine and even public restrooms.

Have you visited a museum, and wonder what else there is to do in the surroundings?

This mobile travel guide will present suggestions of interesting venues nearby

without going online.

Want to visit the websites of a few attractions? The app will tell you the nearest free Wi-Fi locations, where you can have free internet access and can enjoy a cup of coffee while browsing with the ”I amsterdam” feeling.

Download .apk

So here is the deal. Over the weekend, the LA Times reported that The Weinstein Company has been the start of development on another sequel to the Halloween series for summer 2010, which would be Halloween 3D titles. Now Bloody-Disgusting adds another detail to the mix - they got an email this morning claiming that Steve Miner would return for the sequel instead of Rob Zombie - this is actually good news download Amsterdam The Map GPS 1.1.2 for free .

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