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Droid-CPC is an Amstrad CPC emulator for Android.
The Amstrad CPCs were 8 bits computers popular in Europe.
You can now play thousands of CPC games on your Android device.
Droid-CPC supports:
- Virtual Joystick on touchscreen (analog or directions keys)
- Virtual keyboard
- Hardware gamepads (XB360, Moga, etc.) with customable controls
- Hardware keyboards
- Snapshots (you can save / restore the state of the CPC, so any game can be saved / loaded)
- OpenGL renderer
"Sorcery +" is provided with the emulator so you can quickly check how the emulator works .
How to install and launch games:
You can install games (.dsk files) in /sdcard/Kokak/droidcpc/Disks
For each .dsk file you add, you can add a .opt file (= a text file with the same name as the dsk) containing the name of the executable on the floppy disk. So, when you will select the dsk in the launch window, the game will be launched automatically.
Example: for sorceryp.dsk, sorceryp.opt contains "SORCERY.BIN" which is the executable.
To launch games manually, under the basic prompt, simply type:
RUN"executable, where "executable" is the .BAS or .BIN file on the floppy disc.
You can list the files by typing the "CAT" command.
Droid-CPC should work at full framerate on any device.
There are options on the launch window (please scroll it if necessary).
Check "Use Arrows" to replace the virtual analog stick by 4 directions keys.
Uncheck "LowRes Buffer" to have a readable "Mode 2" (slower on low-end devices)
Uncheck "Full Screen" to have original screen ratio.
Inside the emulator, tap the '+' icon to see disks, snapshots, turbo, joystick mapping, reset, numeric keypad, arrows options (and the Escape key).
When the "Keypad" icon is selected it sends numeric keypad keycodes to the emulator when you press numeric keys on the virtual keyboard.
The "Esc" (Escape) key next to the "Keypad" icon sends the "Esc" key to the emulator.
You can use the "arrows" icon (below the "disk" icon) to swap between virtual joypad and arrows virtual keys ingame.
You can download about 1700 CPC games from here: http://ift.tt/TtebOC
- Better keyboard support.
- Added a "Keypad" icon in the options ingame (next to the "Reset" icon). When this icon is selected it sends numeric keypad keycodes to the emulator when you press numeric keys on the virtual keyboard.
- Added an "Esc" (Escape) key next to the "Keypad" icon (to send the "Esc" key to the emulator)
- Added an "arrows" icon (below the "disk" icon) to swap between virtual joypad and arrows virtual keys ingame.
Next release:
- Debug
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Mumford and Sons played on Friday and Saturday in PerthRemaining dates on the Australian tour are:.15 October Adelaide Entertainment Centre17 October, Brisbane Riverstage18 October, Entertainment Centre23rd October Hobart, Derwent Entertainment Centre25 October, Melbourne, Rod Laver Arena26 October Canberra, Royal TheatreMore from Noise11 download Droid-CPC 1.01.2 apk free .hopes to m adjusted to new Thriller ' Wake' for Hammer Films DirectHammer Films is the film is as follows: 3 percent of all men are called sociopath, lacking concern for the welfare of others or for the consequences of their actions. 1 percent of all men are without the emotional capability, born to experience anxiety.Wake tells the story of such a man - a modern Jekyll and Hyde, which has no limits. I'm not quite sure a sociopath without fear brings Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as much as a Daredevil villain sense, but that's just my opinion. Nevertheless, the concept does sound rather intriguing, and certainly until Hammer Films alley. Here, the film hopes less generic and more thrilling than The Rite though.
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