Horny Meter Fingerprint Scaner
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Ever wonder if a girl or guy was horny and ready for some action? Just have anybody in a bar, club, at the office or at home put their thumb on this Horny Meter and it will read the fingerprint or thumbprint and tell you just how horny they are. Instant conversation starter, or a great way to brings some fun into the bedroom.
This could be used as the perfect ice-breaker at a bar, pub or club, or a great conversation starter when you have a group of people together or just met a cute girl or guy and want to ensure they're ready for some sexy time. This fingerprint scanner will provide instant results!
You can modify all the displayed result text to be as vulgar, insulting, or sweet as you'd like. For example "Horny as hell, ready for some action" or "Cold as ice, don't waste your time" or "Feeling sexy, ready for some play" or "Wanting some sex now!" If a person is sexual or just wants to get intimate, this meter is a great way to kick things off.
[results are randomized, this is just for entertainment purposes - like a sexy magic 8-ball]
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