воскресенье, 10 августа 2014 г.

Keyboard Sounds Pro - Midi/USB apk free download

Keyboard Sounds Pro - Midi/USB

Music & Audio

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Keyboard Sounds Pro is a 88 key keyboard with low latency support, support for Midi via USB and 9 high quality instruments on 2 manuals:

✓ Piano

✓ Flute

✓ Oboe

✓ Violin

✓ Harp

✓ Guitar

✓ Fretless bass

✓ Bandoneon

✓ Sitar

You can download a trial version from http://ift.tt/1mQfQI3

We also offer other music apps. For details, see refined-apps.com.

If you have questions, remarks or suggestions, mail us at support@refined-apps.com.

-- Highlights ----------

✓ Low latency audio

Low latency audio is a weak spot of Android (see http://ift.tt/Q7VtYI). On the Galaxy Nexus, low latency audio is finally possible. Keyboard Sounds is one of the very few apps already supporting this! On other devices, Keyboard Sounds provides lowest possible latency.

✓ High quality samples for all contained instruments.

✓ Support for external keyboards and expanders

On devices with Android >= 3.1 and USB host support (e.g. Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7, Acer A500, Asus TF101, ...) you can connect an external keyboard or midi expander. You can play Keyboard Sounds from your external keyboard or play an external sound generator from Keyboard Sounds.

✓ Midi file player included

The included midi player works with any standard midi file stored on your android device. You can output the midi events via Midi/USB (if your device supports it; see above)

-- Features --------

✓ Support for low latency audio on Galaxy Nexus with Jelly Beans or later. Lowest possible latency on other devices.

✓ 9 instruments with high quality samples

✓ Midi In&Out via USB on devices that support USB-Host/OTG (e.g. Asus TF101, Acer A500, Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7, ...) for Standard Midi/USB devices (i.e. devices that do not need a driver on Windows/Mac)

✓ Includes a midi file player

✓ 53 classical midi files included

✓ Up to 512 notes simultaneously

✓ 2 scrollable keyboards with 88 keys each

✓ Settings for the number of displayed keys, optional vibrate on touch, ...

✓ Multitouch only limited by your device

✓ Note Velocity

✓ Sustain, pitch bend etc. via midi

✓ Runs on android >= 2.3, phones and tablets

✓ No ads

-- Usage Tips / Hardware requirements --------

✓ Needs ca. 22.5 MB on your sdcard for the samples & midi files

✓ Use headphones / external speakers for better sound

✓ For the best sound, the device should have at least a 1GHz single core processor

-- Permissions --------

android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to extract the samples onto the sdcard

android.permission.VIBRATE for vibrate on touch support

android.permission.INTERNET to be able to download midi files if selected e.g. in a browser

android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS for better audio support (OpenSL)

com.android.email.permission.READ_ATTACHMENT to enable mail apps to forward midi file attaments to this app

com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE to check the license

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Known & Pixar co-founder Steve Jobs was away at 56 was message from message from download Keyboard Sounds Pro - Midi/USB 2.0.9 free android app . 'Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations and enrich improving all of our lives, the world is immeasurably better because of Steve. Was his greatest love for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts are with to them and to all who extraordinary gifts touched by his extraordinary gifts. 'in in peace Steve Jobs, your legacy lives on forever. - New Explanation Steven Spielberg released : 'Steve Jobs was the greatest inventor since Thomas Edison He put the world at our fingertips. '. Obama's message to him was wonderful.

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