пятница, 1 августа 2014 г.

download Munch Time 1.23 for free

Munch Time


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“Munch Time is another heart meltingly cute game” - Touch Arcade

“This will undoubtedly keep us occupied for quite some time” - Trap Magazine

"Munch Time really embodies the best of the three star physics puzzler" - AppleNApps

"I am sure you are bored with angry birds, It's Munch Time now!" - Best10Apps

"How can you resist that sweet little chameleon face and adorable sticky tongue?" - AppAdvice

"The app’s brilliant graphics and casual player gameplay is incredibly engaging" - TheiPhoneAppReview

"To sum up Munch Time: Om nom nom nom." - GameZebo


Time to get munch'n!


Meet Munch, a chameleon and his quest for lunch that the player must guide him through. Swing around using your super strong tongue to reach the most difficult places! Latch onto different flowers for different acrobatic effects!


Flowers have various colors and Munch will need to change color according to the flower he wants to latch onto. But there's a problem: Munch can't change color on his own and requires the help of special color flies that are flying around.


Throughout more than 80 levels, spread across four themes, you will encounter various flower types that react differently when Munch latches onto them, creating an exciting mash of puzzles and challenges, combined with quick reflex acrobatics and simple touch-based controls, for an intuitive experience.


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