воскресенье, 10 августа 2014 г.

download DogWhistle APK



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This app generates 7 different sounds, 5 seconds long, in the range that dogs can hear but humans normally can't. Use this virtual dog whistle for training or fun.

v2.2: Made orientation fixed in portrait mode.

NOTE: Lowest freq should be in human range. If you can't hear 15K, check phone volume.

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International Film Festival announces FlashForward TitleA Flash Forward Award for the section was created in 2009, was the winner of which is a $ 20,000 prize will be given download DogWhistle 2.3 apk free .HONG KONG announced the Busan International Film Festival, directed his selection for the 10 films for Flash Forward sidebar, support for young, non-Asian filmmakers.

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