суббота, 9 августа 2014 г.

Centipede®: Origins apk free download

Centipede®: Origins

Arcade & Action

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What critics are saying about Centipede®: Origins:

"If you love old-school shooter action with a fresh twist, check this one out."

-Yahoo! Android Apps

"While the game follows the “classic” Centipede gameplay we all know and love, the game has (thankfully) gotten a complete facelift"


"Perfect not only for those who are nostalgic about the Atari classic, but also for those who have a hankering for some insect-zapping"

-The Droid Guy

Inspired by the Atari classic, Centipede: Origins brings an entirely new level of bug-blasting fun to the world-renowned franchise.

Evil, plant-munching vermin are swarming into your precious garden and rapidly destroying everything!

You, a peace-loving gnome, have no choice than to wage an all-out war against these vile creepy crawlies.

Using extreme weapons and gadgets, protect your garden from the ambush of vicious bugs and the dreaded CENTIPEDE.

Who will survive: GNOMES or BUGS?! YOU DECIDE!


• 3 Upgradeable weapons that will lay waste to the onslaught of bugs and centipedes! Use the grenades, rapid fire and others to eliminate the insects! More to be included soon!

• 3 Upgradeable gadgets such as the Fly Trap, the Time Warp and others to give you the upper hand in your battle with the bugs and centipedes! More to come soon!

• Collect coins to buy upgrades and help you protect the world of the gnomes!

• 4 playable levels including Bumpkinpatch Gardens, Bumpkinpatch Aerial, Tarpit Excavation, Valley of Flowers and others that can be purchased as you progress through the game!

More features to come!


Atari’s Greatest Hits, Circus Atari®, and watch for our future apps at facebook.com/Atari

If you are experiencing any problems with Centipede: Origins, please email CustomerSupport@atari.com so we can assist you.


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2010, theNew Trailer for U.S. Remake of One-Take Horror ' Silent House 'Silent House, the U download Centipede®: Origins Varies with device apk free .S. Remake was written by the American filmmaker Chris Kentis & Laura Lau co-director, of the horror films Open Water & grind before. It is to Gustavo Hern? Ndez 2010, the Uruguayan film La Casa Muda is based. Produced by Elle Driver & Tazora film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival this as a late entry in the last year. Open Road Films release Silent House is in limited theaters from 9 March this winter. You can also use the new Silent House trailer in High Def on Yahoo.

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